Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Pink and Red Fern

These are suppose to be ferns, I think, haha. I wished I had a desk, instead of sitting in my hot closet on the floor doing my nails. I don't understand how my camera picks up things I can't even see, ugh. Gotta work on it. Need. More. Time.

I used the Maybelline's ColorShow in Sandstorm again. I must like the color, although it takes three coats to get it even, work. I used red and pink acrylic paint, and my dotter tool for the seed thingys.

Have a happy day!

Criss Cross and Stripes

Hello Lovelies,

I was checking out the JCrew website and I saw this outfit I liked. Well actually I liked the shirt.

I am not sure about the rules for taking pics out. Hopefully, I am not breaking any rules by doing this, if I am please let me know

It looks more like pajamas together.

I was inspired to do my nails like this: 

This was for the #nailartjune OOTD (outfit of the day). I couldn't use any of my outfits because my wardrobe sucks right now. I really don't want to shop until I loose my baby weight. Although, I have been buying clothes that aren't my size, can't pass up a good deal. 

I used Maybelline's ColorShow in Sandstorm for the beige base, and I used SH's Orange Impulse for the orange, Essie's French Affair for the pink, and a no-name blue Cosmetic Arts (a Ross buy) for the wack job of a stamping I did. But I did finally get my squishy big stamper, so it should get better. 

Talk with you soon...

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Trendy, Glitta Polish

I bought a trendy polish... Normally, I don't. Why you ask? I am stubborn, and I just refuse to buy any of the crackels, magnets, sand, (although I do like the glittery sand with a topcoat), but I bought the new Sally Hansen Fuzzy Coat collection in All Yarned Up.

I thought in my little ol' head that it can pass for glitter, it is, it really is...Glitta.

I used a creme color base by Loreal called Creme Cup (bought it at Target for half the price) and Sally Hansen I bought from CVS. Not great pictures but I must have had a total of 8 coats of polish -yikes.

Sunday, June 9, 2013


I love VeggieTales, my kids love VeggieTales, who doesn't love VeggieTales. They are funny and fun to draw.

I did a gradient with a blue and green for the background, sinful color's Tidal wave and Innocent and the rest with, you know it, acrylic paint.

Hope you enjoy!

Veggie tale nails, veggietale nails

Ocean Sunset

Hello Lovelies,

Did I tell you? I am so diggin' Instagram, especially for inspiring me to do nail art. The challenges gives me ideas and I know I will have something to post for this blog, as long as I keep up with it.

I decided for the Day 8 Ocean nails on #nailartjune that I will do a sunset on the ocean with sailboats. I got my inspiration from a picture on google images when I typed ocean sunset.

For the base or background color, I used Zoya's Penny, which is a copper metallic color, and a black striper for the horizon, the rest is with acrylic paint.

ocean sunset nails, ocean nails, sailboat nails

Reese's Peanut Buttercup Nails

There is something I have to admit. I have a big problem with Reese's Peanut Buttercups! I even hide them from the rest of my family, lol. It's not like they have a liking for them either, but I guess somewhere in my lil' ol' head, I think they will eat them all. Oh well. I know I can't eat them if I want to get back to my pre-baby weight. That makes me sad.

I used Zoya's Nina for the dark, dark brown on the thumb, Revlon's Electric for the yellow base color, and Sally Hansen's Insta-nail's Orange Impulse for the orange. I used acrylic paint for the other colors and details.

Reese's peanut butter nails

reese's nails

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Wet Palette

No nails here, but some great information and DIY.

Some of you might not know this... but I had a blog called The Color Republic. I had to stop due to my pregnancy, the smells of nail polish made me sick to my stomach, and then for some odd reason my nails did not want to grow, despite the prenatal vitamins I was taking.

All this to say, I have been doing nail art, but not as long as some of these ladies I admire.

Okay back to the matter at hand... Those of you who use acrylic paint for you nail art, have you heard of a wet palette?

I use acrylic a lot, but I was getting upset that I had to squeeze out just a dot, and majority of the time, I felt like I was wasting it (yes honey, I am frugal). And not only that, but when I mixed some colors together to make a new one, it dried out faster than I could get a spray bottle to water it. How annoying.

So I got to researching, after I asked the hub if there was a contraption that could hold my paint without drying them out. He told me no and I was not satisfied. Immediately, all I could think of was a pill box, but I figured they are probably not air tight, and even air inside would dry out my "creations" or colors.

Then, I went online and found out we (nail artists) are not the only ones that use small amounts of acrylic at a time. There is another whole world/community of miniature figures that uses acrylic paints and had the same problem I did. But I think there acrylic may cost more than ours.

That is where I discovered this apparatus called the Wet Palette. The only thing was that I did not want to pay twenty bucks (Amazon) for something I know I can make at home.

So I did some more researching, and found out how I could make one.

wet palette for acrylic paint

All you need is:

A small tupperware container
Parchment paper (do not use wax paper, their not the same)
some paper towels, or sponge, or kleenex
and Water.

Yes, honey. I am so thrilled. Okay let me finish...

So wet your paper towel, and fold to the size of your container, place it at the bottom. (Make sure your paper towel is not pouring wet - you may have to experiment some afterward. I put too much in mine and the acrylic got watery after day one but still usable).

You can see I am picking up the parchment paper

Place your cut-to-size parchment paper on top of the paper towel and push it down to soak up the water. Make sure you swipe the beads of water that appear at the top. If your paper rolls up, you can flip it on the other side and smooth. Then wa-lah! You have yourself your very own wet palette!

Your paint will not dry up and you can store it for days, maybe even weeks.

Let me know if you tried it, and tell me how you like it. I am still excited. (Big Smile)

Below are some more pics..

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Rainbow Flower

I am loving white polish this summer. It looks so fresh and so clean. But of course, I had to jazz it up some with some color. I love color and I am a color addict.

I used Zoya's Purity for the white and the rest I painted with acrylic paint.

Do you like rockin' white finger nail polish solo or do you like to add some color to it?

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Baby Shower Nails

Here is another challenge I am doing on Instagram and of course great ideas to add to my blog.

This one is part of the #h4junenailartchallenge. I was a little confused to what category I should place myself. I have been doing nail art for almost a year but I don't consider myself a pro, but I am not a beginner either... Oh well.

I used Barielle's Blissful for the light pink base, and for the glitta, I used OPI's Pink Yet Lavender.

baby shower nails

Man, It is Hot Here

I live in the high desert in Arizona, and boy is it getting hot. It is a dry type of heat but still... it's hot.

I am also an instagram newbie, and I have been loving it. It gives me new ideas by way of monthly challenges. This one is for the month of June (#nailartjune).

The first thing that comes to my mine for the word "summer" is the sun. And this is my nail art for the sun.

I used Essie - Orange, it's Obvious for the orange, Zoya's Creamy for the yellow and Zoya's Richelle for the gold. Then I took a skinny dotting tool and dragged it toward the gold. Not exactly how I wanted it to turn out, but it will do. Next time I will use a brush to drag it out.